The SENSES toolkit has been sucessfully launched. It is an openly accessible service platform that provides access to climate change scenarios for a broader group of stakeholders and key decision makers.
SENSES Toolkit
SENSES Toolkit Launch
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions the SENSES consortium decided to have a virtual launch event. The launch attracted participants from NGOs, policy, finance but also academia. The consortium presented the scientific scope and service concept of the SENSES toolkit, which aims at user empowerment and staged access to climate change scenarios for stakeholders with varying background knowledge. The individual elements available were introduced, followed by a lively Q&A.
The first tool is our interactive primer that helps you understand what climate change scenarios are and how they are connected to socioeconomics, energy & land use, emissions, climate and climate impacts. We explain the basic terminology to get you started with our visualisation tools.
Assessment of existing scenarios and co-production techniques
This document provides a comprehensive review of ‘co-production’ techniques for scenario analysis. Further, it takes stock of the state-of-the-art of existing climate change scenarios through the lens of user needs, including the needs of global stakeholders but also regional users participating in the case studies in the Netherlands and Kenya. It also provides the reader with a consistent terminology in order to navigate the complex landscape of scenarios.
Scenario Study Factsheets
To allow easier access to the new generation of climate change scenarios SENSES provides factsheets for each study that answer in a short, concise manner the essential of each study. They summarize like a setcard the guiding questions, central results and further products from these studies.
Co-production techniques database
A comprehensive overview of co-production techniques in the context of climate change scenarios. The various methods are specified by characteristics like the project goal, the type of scenario knowledge generation, but also very practical attributes like duration or degree of engagement. This supports a pick and choose approach of the appropriate method for co-production events with external stakeholders.
Application Programming Interface (API)
The API allows using and accessing the data in a scenario repository, such as the IAMC 1.5C Scenario Explorer hosted by IIASA, via a wide range of programming languages, applications or scripts. This enables, for example, building web-based tools that visualize or otherwise use data included in any Scenario Explorer instance.
Cross user analysis and guidelines for co-production techniques with regional stakeholders
Through participatory processes and workshop series in two case studies, we explored methodologies and processes for the co-production of socioeconomic scenarios, scenario knowledge and adaptation pathways at local and regional scales linked to global socioeconomic and climate change scenarios. Using lessons learned from case studies in Kenya and in the Netherlands, we developed effective approaches and best practice guidelines for using co-production techniques and processes in sub-global IAV studies.
SENSES Dutch case study: a CO2-neutral and climate robust Overijsselse Vecht
The Dutch case study explores the challenges for the Vecht River (Dutch: Overijsselse Vecht) to develop pathways towards a CO2-neutral and climate change-robust system.
Workshop minutes with global stakeholders
For a outline of the co-production workshops, please refer to the events page. Minutes can be downloaded below.
Download Minutes Kickoff, 2017 Download Minutes Co-production Workshop, 2018 Download Minutes Co-production Workshop, 2019 Download Minutes Co-production Workshop, 2020
Workshop minutes with regional stakeholders
For a outline of the co-production workshops, please refer to the events page. Minutes can be downloaded below.
Download Minutes Co-production Workshop, Kenya, January 2019 Download Minutes Co-production Workshop, Kenya, October 2019